hrp0097p1-537 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2023

Effects of seasonal variability of insolation and COVID-19 pandemic isolation on vitamin D concentrations in children

Smyczyńska Joanna , Hilczer Maciej , Łupińska Anna , Pawelak Natalia , Lewiński Andrzej , Stawerska Renata

Introduction: Vitamin D may be considered as a hormone of prohormone of pleiotropic effects. Seasonal variability of insolation affects its synthesis in humans. In our latitude, vitamin D deficiency is widespread. In 2018, updated recommendations for vitamin D supplementation were published in Poland by Rusi&nacute;ska et al. In 2020, SARS-CoV-2 pandemic lockdown was introduced, with suggestions of protective anti-viral vitamin D role.<p class="ab...